BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:JoCo Cruise 2024: X-WR-CALDESC:Event Calendar METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-// JoCo Cruise 2024//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:UTC BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240302T151012Z DTSTART:20240310T163000Z DTEND:20240310T173000Z SUMMARY:Multi-day Bananagrams Tournament DESCRIPTION:THIRD YEAR THIRD… BEER? FEAR? TEAR?! Whatever! We’re having a multiday tournament of BANANAGRAMS for the third time in a row! Join other word scrambling enthusiasts and work your way up the brackets over 3 days of JoCo to finally reach your lifelong goal of being crowned master of all things Bananagram! If you’ve never played the game before\, Bananagrams is an easy game to learn—all are welcome! Prizes will be given to winners! Prizes will also probably be given to non winners as well! CATEGORIES:Gaming LOCATION:Upper Main Dining Room\, Deck 3\, Aft SEQUENCE:0 UID:c3abeac98552e7f8522dd0c65c880351 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR